Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
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Acceptance rate15%
Submission to final decision98 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.150
Impact Factor0.9

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Case Reports in Oncological Medicine publishes case reports and case series related to breast cancer, lung cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, skin cancer, head and neck cancer, paediatric oncology, neurooncology as well as genitourinary cancer.

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Case Report

Hypercalcemia and Bone Metastasis in a Case of Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma With Unknown Primary

Large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma (LCNEC) constitutes a rare subset of highly undifferentiated malignancies known for their aggressive nature. Although these tumors commonly originate in the lungs and gastrointestinal tract, their potential occurrence is not restricted to specific anatomical sites, giving rise to a variety of symptoms. Notably, cases of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) with an unidentified primary source exhibit a graver prognosis and shorter survival periods compared to those with clearly identified origins. NETs frequently demonstrate a propensity to metastasize, spreading to diverse anatomical regions such as the liver, lungs, lymph nodes, and bones, illustrating their aggressive nature and the complexity of their management. In this context, we present the case of a 59-year-old male who sought medical attention in the emergency department due to right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain. Initial diagnostic assessments revealed significantly elevated liver function tests and severe hypercalcemia. A right upper quadrant ultrasound (RUQ US) was subsequently performed, which revealed heterogeneous hepatic echotexture with innumerable echogenic masses, suggesting a metastatic process. A computed tomography (CT) scan was then ordered to evaluate further the RUQ US findings, which showed numerous hypovascular liver masses, raising concerns of malignancy. A liver biopsy confirmed a diagnosis of LCNEC with an unidentified primary source.

Case Report

Malicious Tumor? Pathological Fracture of the Femur in Children Caused by Myelolipoma: A Case Report and Review of Literatures

Myelolipoma is a kind of benign lipoma containing myeloid cells. It is a rare type of tumor that typically presents as an occasional adrenal tumor, generally manifesting as a nonfunctional adrenal mass. Although it can occur in extra-adrenal tissues, its occurrence in bone tissue is extremely rare. Most cases are discovered accidentally during physical examinations of adults, and there are currently no reports of cases with pathological fractures as the main symptoms. We present a case of a 15-year-old teenager who developed a pathological fracture caused by femoral myelolipoma. The diagnosis of the specific type of bone tumor of the patient was determined through pathology and imaging. To treat the condition, we utilized a technique known as the “soft drill” to fully access the tumor space, remove the bone septum, and scrape away the diseased tissue. The fracture was then stabilized using a hybrid external fixation. After a 2-year follow-up period, there was no recurrence of the bone tumor. This case is the first case of intraosseous myelolipoma that occurred in a minor with the initial symptom of pathological fracture, filling the gap in our existing body of knowledge and providing a reference for the treatment of this type of intraosseous myelolipoma.

Case Report

Exposed Embolic Coils Observed in a 64-Year-Old Male With Head and Neck Cancer Following Transarterial Embolization for Carotid Blowout Syndrome

Conclusions: Computed tomography angiography is essential for assessing the condition of the remaining embolic coils. In cases with thrombosed parent arteries, a conservative approach, like the transection of exposed coils, can be employed as part of the management strategy.

Case Report

Li-Fraumeni Syndrome With Six Primary Tumors—Case Report

Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is a cancer predisposition syndrome associated with a high, lifetime risk of a broad spectrum of cancers caused by pathogenic germline TP53 mutations. Numerous different germline TP53 mutations have been associated with LFS, which has an exceptionally diverse clinical spectrum in terms of tumor type and age of onset. Our patient has developed six asynchronous tumors to date: a phyllode tumor of the breast, a pheochromocytoma, a rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor (RGNT), an adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), a ductal carcinoma of the breast, and a thymoma. The occurrence of such a number of rare tumors is sporadic even among in the population of patients living with cancer predisposition syndromes. In this instance, the omission of pretest genetic counseling and thorough family tree analysis prior to selecting the test led to the oversight of an underlying TP53 likely pathogenic mutation (classified as Class 4). This emphasizes the necessity for such counseling to prevent overlooking crucial genetic information. Neglecting this step could have had profound implications on the patient’s treatment, particularly considering the early onset and occurrence of multiple tumors, which typically raise suspicion of a hereditary component. The implications for family members must be considered.

Case Report

The Rare Large Common Peroneal Nerve’s Schwannoma—A Case Report and Literature Review

Schwannoma in the popliteal fossa is still rare, often diagnosed late because it grows slowly and has no symptoms. It is often misdiagnosed with connective tissue tumors or with neurological disorders originating in the spine or disorders of the peroneal nerve. Schwannoma within the common peroneal nerve is still rare in the popliteal fossa, with most tumor sizes around 2 cm in diameter due to their smaller size of nerve but can cause neurologic disturbance, especially when it is large. And over a long time, it can cause serious complaints like neurological deficits and make surgery difficult by leaving greater sequelae. There is no data yet showing the incidence of schwannoma in the common peroneal nerve. In this case, a 36-year-old woman, for 5 years, feels soreness in the popliteal fossa and pain in the right instep, suspected that a nerve was pinched, due to an abnormality in the spine. As time went on, there was a lump in the fold of the right knee, suspected to be a Baker’s cyst. As time went by, the complaint was burning pain in the right instep to the lateral ankle and distal right lower leg, disturbing sleep. Tinel’s sign was positive. The right instep has hypoesthesia and a slight drop in the foot. On radiological examination of the right knee, a circumferential mass appeared, measuring . The diagnosis is suspicious for a common peroneal nerve tumor. The encapsulated operation to remove the tumor was carried out with a size measuring . The histopathological examination showed schwannoma. After surgery, the pain disappeared, hypoesthesia and a slight drop in the foot underwent physiotherapy, and stimulation with the result gradually improved. A thorough early examination includes correct and systematic anamnesis, physical examination, and neurological evaluation such as paraesthesia, hypoesthesia, and Tinel’s sign; also, additional examinations, such as radiographic, ultrasound, and MRI, are needed for early detection of schwannoma so that delays in diagnosis and surgery can be avoided to prevent neurological deficits.

Case Report

The Role of Surgery to Relieve Symptomatic Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma Refractory to Medical Treatments

Conclusion: Surgical intervention, in addition to established medical standards of care, for symptomatic relief of compression neuropathy from tumor mass effect for refractory CTCL should be considered to achieve quality of life goals for patients.

Case Reports in Oncological Medicine
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate15%
Submission to final decision98 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.150
Impact Factor0.9
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